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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Europe Between Present and Future: Friday, July 5, 5 p.m., webinar on the great challenges facing the Union sponsored by the Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics, Development) of the Sant'Anna School in Pisa with in collaboration with ANSA News Agency

Live web event as part of the "Cohesion and new funding opportunities" project funded by DG Regio of the European Union. Participants include Nicola Verola, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Stefano Polli, deputy director ANSA Agency; David Natali and Edoardo Bressanelli, respectively full professor and associate professor at Sant'Anna School 

Publication date: 03.07.2024
Bandiera Europea
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The great challenges facing the European Union after the European Parliament elections are the topics of the webinar "Europe. Tra Presente e Futuro" (Europe.Between Present and Future), scheduled for Friday 5 July from 5 to 7 p.m., live on the website and related social media. The webinar is promoted by the Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics, Development) of the Sant'Anna School in Pisa, in collaboration with ANSA News Agency, within the project "Cohesion and new funding opportunities - time for results? (TIME4RESULTS)", funded by the European Commission's DG Regio.

David Natali, full professor of Political Science at the Sant'Anna School, introduces and coordinates the webinar, which will be attended by Nicola Verola, director general for Europe and International Trade Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who will also present the new book, reflecting on the Tomorrow of Europe, edited together with former constitutional judge Giuliano Amato for theTreccani Encyclopaedia; Edoardo Bressanelli, associate professor of Political Science at the Sant'Anna School; Stefano Polli, deputy director of the ANSA news agency; Giorgia Castiello and Giulia Giraudo, PhD students in Transnational Governance promoted by the Scuola Normale Superiore and the Sant'Anna School.